Special Offers


Call our office 641-423-3200 to take advantage of these offers:

  1. Receive $15.00 for each friend you refer to D&S Services. That friend also receives a $15.00 discount to his/her income tax service.
  2. We also offer military and senior discounts.
  3. Get a PreFUND of $750.00! How does it work?
    (Available through February 29, 2016) Once your tax return has been accepted by the IRS, you will receive a text or email message alert with your personal PreFUND application link.

    1. STEP 1: CLICK ON THE APPLICATION LINK provided via text or email within 24 hours. The application link will take you directly to myprefund.com
    2. STEP 2: COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATION at myprefund.com. Review and e-sign your PreFUND Application.
    3. STEP 3: PreFUND STATUS is approved immediately. After e-signing your application, you will know the status of your advance immediately. Approved taxpayers should review and e-sign the PreFUND loan agreement to complete the loan.

    GETTING YOUR FUNDS: After e-signing the PreFUND loan agreement, your funds will be loaded onto your Green Dot prepaid debit card that you receive at our office.

    CHECKING LOAN STATUS: You can check the status of your PreFUND by clicking on the “Get Started” button and providing a couple of pieces of information. If your application is ready, it will be displayed. If not, the website will provide a message stating that the application has yet to be received. Please wait 2 hours after IRS acceptance before checking your status.